Brian Schultz Memorial Scholarship

Brian graduated from SDSU with several of his closest friends. He was diagnosed with cancer and fought a short, but valiant battle. His friends loved him and treasured their friendship. They established the Brian Schultz Memorial Golf Classic to raise funds for the UCSD Moores Cancer Center and a scholarship at SDSU that bears Brian’s name. The Brian Schultz Memorial Scholarship is to provide scholarship support to students who are cancer survivors, or whose life has been affected by cancer in some way.

To apply for this scholarship, submit a General Application.

If you do not meet all of these requirements in a given term, you may lose your scholarship eligibility and your scholarship may be canceled.


  • All majors and class levels are eligible.
  • Recipients must be cancer survivors or students whose lives have been affected in a major way by someone in their immediate family having had cancer.
  • Undergraduate students are not required to be enrolled full-time.
  • Graduate students are not required to be enrolled full-time.
  • Credential students are not required to be enrolled full-time.

To be determined by the scholarship committee.