Ned Joy Memorial Scholarship

Dr. Ned V. Joy was born in San Rafael and grew up in Santa Rosa, where he was a high school debate champion. He served as an Army Air Forces aviator during World War II, flying about 30 missions in Europe. He was released from active duty in 1945 when he developed pulmonary problems, and he then moved West to attend graduate school. Dr. Joy received his Ph.D. in political science from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1952 and began his career at SDSU as an assistant professor of political science in September of 1953. He served SDSU in many capacities over a period of 29 years: Chair of the Department of Political Science from 1966 to 1969, Dean of Undergraduate Studies from 1969-1972, Acting Vice President of Academic Affairs from 1972-1973, Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs from 1973 to 1980, and Acting University Librarian from 1980-1982. In addition to these appointments, he was elected to the Academic Senate at its organizational meeting in 1960 and continued as a member until 1973. In 1987, Dr. Joy was the first former SDSU faculty member to be awarded an outstanding achievement award by the SDSU chapter of Mortar Board, a national honorary society. He also was a former president of the San Diego chapter of the American Civil Liberties Union and of Friends of the Malcolm A. Love Library.

To apply for this scholarship, submit a General Application.

If you do not meet all of these requirements in a given term, you may lose your scholarship eligibility and your scholarship may be canceled.


  • Recipients must be in junior, senior, or graduate level standing.
  • Recipients must be studying International Security and Conflict Resolution (ISCOR) or Political Science.
  • Undergraduate students are not required to be enrolled full-time.
  • Graduate students are not required to be enrolled full-time.

To be determined by the scholarship committee.